Showing posts with label Export Acess to Oracle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Export Acess to Oracle. Show all posts

Apr 18, 2009

Export Acess to Oracle

This topic deals with the exporting the table and its data from Access to Oracle database . For this first you need is to create a datasource from Start>Programs>Your Oracle Home program>Configuration and Migration Tools path (or from Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools you will see a utility named'Data Sources (ODBC)'), you will see a utility named 'Microsoft ODBC Administrator'. Launch that utility to begin the process.

Click on the Add button to add a new data source.

If your connection test was successful, you will see the following:

Then Open the Access file that u want to Export to Oracle .Then at a time only one table in an Access file can be exported to Oracle .After opening Access(.mdb) file select a table say(ie: TEST) and right click the TABLE in OBJECT and select EXPORT

In the status bar of Access file at this time instead of READY status it will show EXPORT

after completing this without error go and check in your oracle database the access table and data will be exported to oracle