Whenever a SQL statement is executed, Oracle automatically allocates a memory area (known as context area) in Oracle database PGA i.e. Process Global Area. This allocated memory space is the query work area which holds the query related information.This is know as cursors
OPEN stage
•PGA memory allocation for cursor processing (OPEN Cursor)
•Parsing of SELECT statement (Parse SQL)
•Variable binding (Bind SQL)
•SELECT Query execution (Execute Query)
•Move the record pointer to the first record
FETCH stage
The record, to which the record pointer points, is pulled from the result set. The record pointer moves only in the forward direction. The FETCH phase lives until the last record is reached.
CLOSE stage
After the last record of the result set is reached, cursor is closed, and allocated memory is flushed off and released back to SGA. Even if an open cursor is not closed, oracle automatically closes it after the execution of its parent block
Cursor FOR loops
Cursor FOR loops improvise upon the performance and code interactivity by their implicit actions
Parameterized Cursors
Parameterized cursors enables programmer to pass parameter to the cursors
Dynamic Cursor FOR Loops
FOR UPDATE OF clause is used to lock a set of rows in a session. This concept can be used in explicit cursors to impose exclusive row level lock on all the rows contained by the cursor query result set. These rows will remain locked until the session issues ROLLBACK or COMMIT.
Oracle provides WHERE CURRENT OF clause to update or delete the rows which are locked by the FOR UPDATE OF cursor in the session
OPEN stage
•PGA memory allocation for cursor processing (OPEN Cursor)
•Parsing of SELECT statement (Parse SQL)
•Variable binding (Bind SQL)
•SELECT Query execution (Execute Query)
•Move the record pointer to the first record
FETCH stage
The record, to which the record pointer points, is pulled from the result set. The record pointer moves only in the forward direction. The FETCH phase lives until the last record is reached.
CLOSE stage
After the last record of the result set is reached, cursor is closed, and allocated memory is flushed off and released back to SGA. Even if an open cursor is not closed, oracle automatically closes it after the execution of its parent block
Cursor FOR loops
Cursor FOR loops improvise upon the performance and code interactivity by their implicit actions
Parameterized Cursors
Parameterized cursors enables programmer to pass parameter to the cursors
Dynamic Cursor FOR Loops
FOR UPDATE OF clause is used to lock a set of rows in a session. This concept can be used in explicit cursors to impose exclusive row level lock on all the rows contained by the cursor query result set. These rows will remain locked until the session issues ROLLBACK or COMMIT.
Oracle provides WHERE CURRENT OF clause to update or delete the rows which are locked by the FOR UPDATE OF cursor in the session